Wednesday Night Classes
Everyone is invited to attend our Wednesday Night Classes and Bible Studies. Come on out and join us at 6:30 PM.
Food Pantry News
Our next Food Pantry date is on Saturday, November 15th, from 9:00 to 11:00 am. Our fellowship hall is open at 8:00 am for our volunteers. We appreciate your donations of finances, time and prayer for this much needed outreach ministry. We served 75 families at our Bread of Life Food Pantry on October 18th.
Straight Mountain Senior Citizens Meeting
Our Straight Mountain Senior Citizens will meet one time only this month on Tuesday, November 11th, in our fellowship hall from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Everyone is welcome to join us for food, games, and lots of fun and fellowship. Do you have Tuesdays available? Come on out to the Seniors Meeting.
Restoration Student Ministries
Our Restoration Student Ministries will be attending the Xtreme Youth Winter Conference in Gatlingburg, TN. The conference dates are December 31st through January 2nd. Please see Andrew or Katie Talley for more details.
Ladies Class News
Our Ladies Christmas Party and lunch will be on Saturday, December 6th from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. We will have a special guest speaker. All ladies are invited and welcome to come. Please bring one or two of your favorite finger foods or snacks.
Tara Jessen invites all ladies to attend the Bible Study Class for ladies. This class will meet on Sundays, November 2nd and 16th at 5:00 pm. We look forward to seeing all you ladies there. Contat Tara Jessen for more information.
NEW Mountain Pointe Singles Ministries
Our NEW Mountian Pointe Singles Ministries will meet on Sunday, November 2nd at 5:00 pm in Room 100. They are doing a study, “Becoming a Romans 12 Christian”. This new small group will be led by Vicki Benoit and DArryl Copeland. Singles, including widowed, divorced, or never married are welcome to attend. They will meet every month on the first Sunday. Come join us as we begin a new and exciting addition to our ministries here at Mountain Pointe.
Restoration Student Ministries
Our students will present their Christmas program celebrating the birth of our Savior through praise and worship led by the Restoration Praise Ministry Band and dramas by our Youth Drama Team. Please see Andrew or Katie Talley for details.
Kids Christmas Program
The kids will present their program which is called “Go Glow”. Please see Jenny Davies and Michele Dodd for more details.
Toy Drive
Our children’s ministries are sponsoring a toy drive in November. If you have toys you would like to donate please bring them to the student sanctuary. Please see Jenny Davies or Michele Dodd for more information.
New Beginning Adult Bible Class
Everyone is invited to attend our New Beginning Adult Bible Class every Sunday morning at 10:00 AM in Room 100. Brother Mike Phillips teaches this class. Brother Mike also leads a Sunday Night Bible Study at 6:00 PM.
Choir News
Our Christmas Program Choir practice will begin soon. Choir will practice on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM. Kevin Dodd will have more information for choir members soon.
Everyone please offer your condolences and prayers to Ricky and Teresa Myrick, whose son, Clint Alan Myrick, passed away. May God comfort this family during their time of sorrow.
Recovery/Support Meeting
Our Recovery/Support Meeting is every Tuesday night beginning at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall. For more information, please see Ware Roberson.
Royal Pines Outreach Ministries
We will not have our Royal Pines Ministries this month. Standby for the date in December.
Invitation to Become a Member of Mountain Pointe Ministries
If you would like become a member fo Mountain Pointe Ministries we invite you to do so on the last Sunday of the month. Please see Pastor Bob for your arrangements before that Sunday.