Food Pantry News
Our next Food Pantry date is on Saturday, February 21st, from 9:00 to 11:00 am. Our Fellowship Hall opens at 8:00 am with breakfast for our volunteer servants. We appreciate your sacrifice and donations of finances, time and prayers for this much needed outreach ministry. We served 70 families at our Bread of Life Food Pantry at our January 17th Food Pantry.
Straight Mountain Senior Citizens Meeting
Our Straight Mountain Senior Citizens will meet one time only this month on Tuesdays, February 10th and 24th, in our Fellowship Hall from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Everyone is welcome to join us for food, games and lots of fun and fellowship. Do you have Tuesdays available? Come on out to the Seniors Meeting.
Restoration Student Ministries
We have begun our brand new worship service on Sunday evenings at 6 PM in the student sanctuary. Make plans to attend and be blessed!
Connection Pointe Class
Our NEW “Connecting Pointe Class, led by Christi and Michael Thompson, will be on Sunday mornings at 11:00 am in Room 201. Thank You. We are currently studying the book of Romans.
Mountain Pointe Singles Ministries
Our Mountain Pointe Singles Ministries, led by Vicki Benoit and Darryl Copeland, will meet the first Sunday, February 1st, and third Sunday, February 15th, at 11:00 am in Room 100. Singles, including widowed, divorced or never married are welcome to attend. Vicki and Darryl invites you to come join us.
Ladies Bible Study
Children’s Ministry News
Our Dynamite Kids invites children ages 3 – 11 to join us in the ConstructSON Zone. We now have Children’s Church during both morning services. Our service begins at 9:30 am in the Fellowship Hall, then we move to the Student Sanctuary, where our Praise & Worship Team leads us in Worship. We also have Drama’s, Puppets, Lessons about Jesus, and lots of fun. Come join us for a wonderful experience while learning about Jesus.
Royal Pines Outreach Ministries
Our Royal Pines Outreach Ministry will be February 22nd. Anyone who wants a blessing is invited to join us. Please see Cathey Hayes for more details.
New Beginning Adult Bible Class
New times for our class. Our Sunday Morning Bible Class is now from 11 am until 12 noon in Room 200. Bro. Mike Phillips will continue to teach this class.
Recovery/Support Meeting
Our Recovery/Support Meeting is every Tuesday night beginning at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. For more information contact Ware Roberson @ 237-4020.